I was at the gym Friday morning and got a call from a long-time business client. It seems Microsoft Windows 10 had been nagging their windows 7 computer to install for several days and the user always declined. However, today it actually started to install Windows 10. The user must have aborted it and now a screen they never saw was on their computer and they didn’t know how to close it.  I arrived on scene and saw they had entered the BIOS setup utility and left it there for me.  The BIOS setup is for changing how the computer hardware reacts with the operating system which in our case is Microsoft Windows 7. It allows you to disable USB ports, configure hard drives, DVD drives, setup security, and many others,   After a restart, the computer manufacturer splash screen came on and then Microsoft Windows 10 startup screen appeared, but a message said the install failed and the previous operating system was being restored. After another restart, the computer was back at home with Windows 7 and their business programs were tested and worked just as before the windows 10 “hijack”.  I proceeded to prevent windows 10 from installing again so this wouldn’t happen again.  If you are getting the windows 10 nag messages and want to stay with windows 7, contact me and I can prevent it from happening to you.9962d07dbacd216a822e769524a3cd55

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