Why does Windows 10 only see half my RAM?

I have an old Lenovo Thinkpad that is one of my main laptops. It came with only 2 GBs of RAM and last night I increased that to 6GB. I set this laptop to dual boot to either Microsoft Windows 10 or Linux Mint 18.x.  I opened Window 10 and only 3GB of the 6.0 is used...
Where’d my Memory go? Fort Wayne computer repair

Where’d my Memory go? Fort Wayne computer repair

I was looking at the system statistics of my Windows 10 desktop computer today and noticed something interesting. The total size of the RAM or Memory for the computer is 4.00GB, but the usable part is only 3.42GB.  Memory temporarily holds programs, the operating...

Adding RAM doesn’t always speed up a computer

I was on computer service call in Fort Wayne last month for a client who had my business card and didn’t know where he got it. One of the issues they needed resolved was a Microsoft Windows Vista computer which was extremely slow. They had someone investigate...

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