My Windows 11 network problem

My Windows 11 network problem

For the past month I’ve been trying to get my Lenovo laptop to connect to my Linux file server computer. My windows 10 and my Apple and Linux workstation can. The laptop can ping the server and see it.  Research I did on the internet points to a possible Samba...
An update fixed my video player on my Raspberry Pi

An update fixed my video player on my Raspberry Pi

I have two Raspberry Pi computers which I put together maybe two years ago.  These are small form-factor units a little bigger than a deck of cards.  One is for mainly printing.  The other is for file processing and playing videos.  The program for videos used to work...
Repair or toss?  Hand massager

Repair or toss? Hand massager

I bought a corded AC hand massager which cost around $30 last year.  After a year it ran intermittently and I determined the cord had an open in it.    The plastic case was difficult to take apart and I never could get it completely separated even after removal of all...
My Windows 11 laptop won’t download the latest OS

My Windows 11 laptop won’t download the latest OS

Computer people have issues with their own computers from time to time.  My business laptop is stuck on 0% downloading a Windows update.  I am on the pre-release cycle so maybe it’s not stable.  the laptop runs fine and seems fast.  I’ll have to review my...

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