Around 2016 I put a Linux Server into service for holding my business and personal files. It was left on continuously so it could always be there if I needed a file. Another reason was to keep it in a stable thermal state at the same temperature, If it was shut down nightly, it would go from cold to hot in the morning. Something internal might fail from the heat and electrical stress when it’s powered on.
There were three hard drives in the case – all regular mechanical/electronic ones, Last year one of them failed so I replaced it. About three weeks ago another failed and it didn’t have critical data on it. The data was backed up and I don’t think anything was lost. I shut down the server to remove the drive and when it was powered back on, the operating system wasn’t booting. Repairs were tried during boot-up but nothing worked. After thinking about the age of the computer and how much electricity it was probably using it was decided to retire the computer. The remaining two hard drives were removed and one put into my office workstation. The critical data was backed up again and now I could get to the data.
I have a few smaller, more efficient servers I will eventually move my data to this year. These are Raspberry Pi units much smaller than this 15-lb hunk of steel and plastic.