I had an interesting case last week.  A new client contacted me about their MSI gaming laptop which wasa having problems charging the battery.  Before we got together, they took the cover off the laptop and looked around inside and put it back together.  The power jack looked loose to them at the solder joints.  

I got a hold of it and did the same thing with the laptop but the power jack seemed ok.  The power adapter/charger was a different story.  It sparked slightly near it’s plug and I could see worn insulation and copper wires protruding.  As the power adapter cable was wiggled, the laptop video seemed to jump slightly and the charging disconnected.  

In my inventory a power adapter with the same plug and voltage was found.  It wasn’t enough current but it did charge the battery while the laptop was powered off.  It got to 100% so I know the power jack was fine.

They ordered a new AC Power Supply and went on their merry way.

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