This morning I entered an invoice from Saturday into my Quickbooks Pro accounting program and also did a restaurant charge from my networking group. It all went well and I closed Quickbooks and left for the morning. Quickbooks was opened after I returned home and to my anguish I was prompted to locate my company file or create a new one! This isn’t a good sign and the quest for my company file was on. Quickbooks is set up to open the same company file every time for me since I’m not an accountant and don’t open up numerous company files. I found two suitable company files – one in a data folder and the other on the desktop.
The first one was over a month old and it wasn’t the current one. The other company file was harder to figure out. It had a different name and wasn’t visible on the desktop although that’s where my search located it. I clicked on the file and Quickbooks opened and then gave this: “There was an unexpected error… this should occur only in rare situations…” I really felt better because the error was rare AND unexpected! I used Linux to boot the computer and search for any other file and to backup this file. Nothing additional was located and I let Windows 10 restart. After examining the file properties something unusual was found – the file was flagged RO (read-only). Once the RO flag was removed and QB was restarted, my company file opened like it should.
Quickly two backups were made locally and to the server. I don’t know what happened but maybe Quickbooks didn’t close properly when the computer slept.