Earlier this month I was out in the southwest part of Fort Wayne at a new computer client. It as an interesting experience because it didn’t involve any Microsoft Windows products. I worked with two Apple iPhones, an apple iPad tablet, and three Apple laptops and three printers. It was fun to work with these devices because they are different from Microsoft Windows which I encounter more often.
Most of tasks my client needed involved printing to a big, color Epson photograph printer and an HP inkjet printer. The Epson never worked at this location although it printed at another place. Since it was wireless I thought it needed setup with their current credentials. This was challenging because the interface control panel was small and there were many characters to enter for the password for the WiFi. After 2 or 3 tries, the epson connected to the wifi and I was able to add it to the iPhones, laptops and iPad.
Another task my client required was scanning photos to his laptops and iPhone. They had a another printer which couldn’t print due to an inkjet issue. My experience told me this could still be used for scanning which we did. The printer was added to the devices and then we selected the scanning function on the Apple laptop. Now we could scan from the printer’s glass and save them to his computer.
Sometimes these Apple devices just work and that’s another reason I like them!