You got it mostly correct, AI(Artificail Intelligence)

You got it mostly correct, AI(Artificail Intelligence)

I have two web sites where I write articles to help the visibility of my computer business and physical fitness. The site is mostly about fitness and nutrition.  Articles are written about exercises, repairing equipment and things I eat.  Sometimes I...
I’m getting sick of hearing about AI

I’m getting sick of hearing about AI

I stay up on my industry the best I can with reading articles and listening to podcasts.  My favorite type of articles deal with the nuts and bolts of computer repair and related issues. I don’t care about predictions, personnel or things which are forced on...
Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) good or bad?

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) good or bad?

I hear a lot of new stories on Artificial Intelligence and how it’s so helpful for computing.  I’ve also heard how it’s bad for our privacy and how it’s helped those in charge predict our behavior.  It can be used to create fake articles and...

AI – I’m ignoring you

The dominant subject I hear in the news lately is Artificial Intelligence. In the newsletter emails I receive there are many articles on Artificial Intelligence (AI).  From what I know it’s a way computers can predict the future based on past events.  I’ve...

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