Readers Choice Awards. Shane Grantham Consulting

Readers Choice Awards. Shane Grantham Consulting

A few months ago I got an email from Fort Wayne Newspapers. My company was nominated for a Readers Choice award in the category of Best Computer Repair Store. There was a total of eight companies in the category so I didn’t think I had a chance to win or get...
Reader Choice awards. Shane Grantham Consulting

Reader Choice awards. Shane Grantham Consulting

Once again this year my company was nominated for the Fort Wayne Newspapers Readers Choice Awards in the categories of Best Computer Repair Store and Best Electronics Store.  My company is neither one of these two, but it’s the closest categories they have for...
Am I your choice?  Fort Wayne Computer Repair

Am I your choice? Fort Wayne Computer Repair

Yesterday, my wife let me know my company was nominated for the 2019 Fort Wayne Newspapers Readers’ Choice under the Best Computer Repair Store category. Click here for the  link.   I’m not a store, but this is the best category for me of the ones...

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