I am available to work on computers every day of the week including Saturdays and Sundays. When I’m awake – my smartphone is on and I will respond to your telephone call, text, Facebook message or email. With the way computing devices are engraved in our business and personal lives, at least one of my clients are using a device any time of the day or night and I want to help when they need it.
On Saturday morning one of my computer repair clients called me from their neighbor’s home. I didn’t answer in person, but listened to their voicemail detailing their telephone problem. A service call was made and I listened to the events again and found out their telephone service has been out since Thursday. My client showed me a new Comcast modem they picked up and needed installed. Their original modem was diagnosed as deceased by Comcast. They thought their telephone service should work even without the Comcast modem installed and I explained that their telephone service is through Comcast so the modem is required.
I connected the modem to the power cable, desktop computer via the Ethernet cable, and telephone jack with a telephone cable. Next we called Comcast technical support to have the new modem activated and tested. We were on the phone about 45 minutes and it went well. After this the telephone worked as well as the computer internet connection. My client thanked me several times for coming out so quickly on a Saturday when most of my competitors don’t make service calls or respond on a Saturday.