I received a phone call one Friday afternoon from someone I didn’t immediately recognize. The caller had a computer issue they needed fixed. They mentioned we were connected on LinkedIn and then I realized where I knew them from. They didn’t ask many questions and we met and they gave me their computer to repair.
Later, I was checking my smartphone and noticed a LinkedIn notification that someone viewed my profile. Now it makes sense: they didn’t ask me any questions in person because they already researched my qualifications before we met.
This isn’t the first time someone I never met in person hired me for computer repair based on my LinkedIn profile. That’s why I preach to networkers to have your LinkedIn profile up to date with all your services, products, experiences, etc. included Another feature of LinkedIn is the recommendations. Ask for recommendations from clients, supervisors, co-workers and anyone else who knows you professionally. I have 40 recommendations which was probably a factor when the new client called me. And don’t be selfish: also write recommendations for people who deserve them. How has LinkedIn helped you?