I use a handful of operating systems for computers and my favorite is Unix/Linux. Linux runs on many text scripts which configure its behavior. To edit these scripts all you need is a simple text editor. Different ones are built-in to Linux and the one I used to use about twenty years ago was VI. From my reading, it’s the most popular one, but It is hard for me to use. Most of the time I forget how to get in and out of the editing mode. It takes time for me to figure out the command mode as well. I have to read my Unix or Linux books to remember the correct keystrokes.
I remembered last week there are other Linux text editors which I read about in school. One is emacs and the other is pico. A former boss used pico for editing and they seemed to like it. It is much easier to use and it makes it very easy to edit scripts. The nice feature of Pico editor is a built-in menu overlay that shows the commands at the bottom of the editor. I have
Pico is my new text editor and I’ll hopefully never have to use VI again. What is your favorite test editor for Linux?