I helped a client of mine recently prepare for the end of support and updates for Microsoft Windows 7. They have been using Microsoft Windows 7 for many years and wanted to be ready when the updates cease next year. At first I proposed upgrading to Windows 10 which is what Microsoft is telling everyone.
After thinking about what my client does on their computer, I realized that another option is available. This option is cheaper, more stable and secure than a Microsoft option.
This option is another operating system called Linux. It can do everything that my client currently does in Windows 7. Linux Mint 19 was tested first on the computer to ensure the sound, video and network all work on the computer. Next it was installed on their Windows 7 all-in-one PC. The neat thing is you can install it in a dual-boot configuration so windows 7 can still be accessed if needed. Now my client can run Windows 7 or Linux when they start their computer.
Remember that Microsoft Windows 10 isn’t the only option for Windows 7 – you have a better option with Linux.