The New Haven Chamber of Commerce networking group is starting up again January 9th after a two week break for the Holidays. You don’t have to be a New Haven Chamber member to attend and we don’t limit attendance by category. Everyone is welcome! We meet every Tuesday from 12:00PM to 1:00PM at Rack and Helens Bar and Grill at 525 Broadway, New Haven, IN.
We usually meet upstairs in the private, large room. If you want lunch, place your food and drink order at the bar before you go upstairs and the food will be delivered to you. You can bring your drink upstairs with you. Please be flexible and realize we don’t pay for the room. In the event the upstairs rooms are both used, we will probably be in the restaurant area. The wait staff and management will know where we are meeting so ask if you are unsure. Silence or turn off your phones before the meeting starts so you don’t interrupt . Everyone has 1 to 2 minutes for their commercial. Please respect the time limit.