Old computer DVDs.  Fort Wayne Computer Repair

Old computer DVDs. Fort Wayne Computer Repair

I’m writing about my many DVD and CD disks I have in my computer office.  They are hardly used any more due to the internet and USB thumb drives. In the past they were heavily used to archive my business data, hold computer utilities and install hardware drivers...
Do I need to carry a DVD/CD reader?

Do I need to carry a DVD/CD reader?

Ten years ago I used DVDs and CDs in my computer business often. I installed programs from them, carried my software utilities on them and saved data to them for clients. Nowadays, I hardly use them at all for clients, but i still carry a USB DVD reader in my...
Apple MacBook screen desktops

Apple MacBook screen desktops

I’ve been spending time last week at my own Apple OS X training event. I got two library books on Apple computers and read some of them. Using my MacBook Air laptop, I discovered how to access Apple desktops. This is where you can have more than one workspace on...

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