I forgot about this utility – Spinrite

I forgot about this utility – Spinrite

This week I found an email from Gibson Research which is a technology company.  They have a hard drive diagnostic and repair program I purchased about 20 years ago.  I used  it for testing hard drives and sometimes it would repair problems.  The email message...
It pays to wear my Grantham Consulting shirt in public

It pays to wear my Grantham Consulting shirt in public

A cool thing happened to me a few weeks ago while I was at a local business. I was in my usual work shirt with my computer company logo proudly displayed.  In the waiting room I was sitting and watching people come and go through the door.  A man walked by and I said...
Saving pictures and videos on my smartphones to my server

Saving pictures and videos on my smartphones to my server

Throughout the day I use my smartphone and tablets quite a bit. The camera gets used often for recording computer client pictures and at Catalyst Fitness where I work.  I take pictures of my exercises and equipment that needs repaired,  My Android smartphone fills up...
Have another user account on your computer

Have another user account on your computer

I had a desperate person call me today who couldn’t log into their accounting computer today.  Their password wasn’t working and they couldn’t get into the windows 10 desktop.  Payroll was coming up and they were close to reloading Windows from...
Thank you for all who voted for my company

Thank you for all who voted for my company

Fort Wayne Newspapers Reader Choice awards are over for this year.  Once again i was nominated in two categories: Computer Repair Store and Electronics Store.  I’m not a store, but its the closest category they have for what I do.  I’ve never had any...

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