Not too long ago, I had a return service call to a Fort Wayne business client where I configured a wireless printer for a home office. Two weeks later, it stopped working and I returned to start the troubleshooting.
Using their Windows 10 computer, I checked the printer and devices and couldn’t find any wireless printer on the network. My laptop also couldn’t see the wireless printer so I knew the problem was on the printer end. On the printer’s front panel, I noticed the wireless icon was not lit and this meant something was wrong with the wireless functionality. I wanted to see if the printer could print anything so the front control panel of the printer was accessed and a test page was printed. Now we know the printer is mechanically sound so I used the printer’s control panel to re-program the wireless settings. The printer was joined to the wireless access point and my client could print again. We’re not sure why the printer lost it’s wireless settings but I was thinking it was related to the electrical power like a surge.