Last week a Fort Wayne computer repair client of mine had me to over to troubleshoot what used to be a Microsoft Windows 7 computer. Two days ago, Windows 10 showed up. My client got messages from Microsoft leading up to the Windows 10 installation informing them what is going to happen. My client was fine with Windows 10 sneaking in and installing, but some people are not – including me. I like Windows 10 itself, but not the way it’s being forced on everyone with Windows 7 and 8. I’ve just begun research via the internet on how to stop the update. thanks to an article I read, on my two Windows 7 computers and I found a GWX folder which stands for Get Windows 10 and it’s dated December 2015 and some of the sub-folders are dated today. I never saw anywhere when Windows Updates were running where it asked to install the GWX folder. It probably downloaded the folders because I have automatic updates enabled. There is also a Windows update named KB3035583 which is related to the Windows 10 forced update which I found on both Windows 7 computers- one dated Feb 16, 2016 and the was dated March 25, 2016. I removed the update on my test Windows 7 computer to see what happens. What do you think about this forced update? have you experienced it yet?