Can we backup my data?

Can we backup my data?

This month I was helping a client with their laptop computer.  Their main program was having problems reading data from their 4TB (terabyte) external drive.  I feared the drive had a hardware issue or the USB port on the laptop was faulty.  Luckily, it wasn’t...
Backup your user-generated files.

Backup your user-generated files.

We all know to do it and some of us never do it. It’s backing up or archiving the files we create.  Every once in a while I encounter a computer user who never backs up their files.  Maybe they don’t know how and thought they’d never lose a file or a...
Five years between computer consultant visits

Five years between computer consultant visits

I have many clients that only call when they have an emergency or problem. It would be better for them if they had me visit regularly to check out their systems and backup data. One of my long-time business clients called me and explained they were infected. (The...
Old hard drives- offline backups

Old hard drives- offline backups

In my IT inventory are many older hard drives- some are IDEs and some are the SATA interface.  Many came out of desktop PCs and others from laptops.  The ones which can’t be sold or used in computers have been repurposed. I use them for backing up my data on my...

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