by Shane Grantham | Dec 5, 2017
I was working on my wife’s Samsung Galaxy tablet today because it was dropping the WiFi connection. I checked the WiFi settings and told it not to search for open WiFi networks. This didn’t seem to solve it and I looked elsewhere. The chrome browser...
by Shane Grantham | Jun 4, 2017
I was at a client this week working on some strange messages their web browser was displaying on their Windows 7 and Windows 10 computers. I started working on the issue and when it came time to download some Internet tools, nothing would download. Eventually all...
by Shane Grantham | May 20, 2017
Many years ago, before high-speed Internet existed through a cable company or telephone company, we used a dial-up modem to connect to the Internet. We also needed an Internet provider like CompuServe, MSN or AOL. A built-in or external modem dialed the Internet...