by Shane Grantham | Aug 15, 2024
Besides Android, Microsoft Windows and Linux I also work with Apple devices. I have two apple laptops, a old iPhone and an old iPad tablet. The tablet is used for listening to podcasts and occasionally YouTube videos. I was having problems toggling between open...
by Shane Grantham | May 5, 2024
A computer client called me this week around 7PM local time and was having problems texting someone. This iPhone is their only way to communicate with others, when it isn’t working, they are in trouble. They don’t have a desktop computer, tablet,...
by Shane Grantham | Mar 31, 2023
Earlier this month I was out in the southwest part of Fort Wayne at a new computer client. It as an interesting experience because it didn’t involve any Microsoft Windows products. I worked with two Apple iPhones, an apple iPad tablet, and three Apple laptops...
by Shane Grantham | Oct 21, 2020
People at my fitness center know I am a computer consultant and sometimes ask for help while I’m exercising. This summer a member asked for help with his iphone 10. It wasn’t acting right when he was playing music in Pandora and other functions. He...
by Shane Grantham | Oct 17, 2017
Wi-Fi can be mysterious to get functioning on a smartphone sometimes. One of my computer repair clients was frustrated with their iPhone 6 last weekend. Their data plan was being gobbled up so they disabled their cellular mobile data under settings. They assumed...
by Shane Grantham | Dec 17, 2016
Many networkers have told me that video is the best way to reach people on social media and so I started posting videos around 2009 for my Fort Wayne computer repair business. For some reason I stopped doing computer ones. but I still do personal ones. My wife took a...