Wireless printers. Fort Wayne Computer Repair.

Wireless printers. Fort Wayne Computer Repair.

I get asked questions frequently by networkers, clients and others about computer matters. One I got last week was really good and I will discuss it now. A client asked, “Does my computer need to be wireless to print to a wireless printer?” They were...

How can I print from my iPad in Pinterist?

I had an interesting request from a business client last month while I was on a wireless printer service call. My client uses Pinterest for many things and they wanted to print a pin they had found. They use their Apple iPad a lot and didn’t know how to print...

The case of the disappearing wireless printer!

Wireless printers are a great convenience for homes and businesses and they can be tricky to configure especially when it comes to attaching to your wireless network.  More than a couple of clients have asked me to setup their wireless printers after they gave up. I...

Wireless printer problem on a Windows 7 computer

A business networking friend of mine finally required my Fort Wayne computer repair services this week  Among other things, they couldn’t print to an HP wireless printer from their Windows 7 desktop computer and their Windows 10 laptop. My assumption was the...

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