I’m low on business cards.  Do I still need them?

I’m low on business cards. Do I still need them?

Usually I have a few business cards in my wallet for leaving at businesses or for people who may want one.  The last few times I’ve looked in my wallet, I didn’t have any!  I was going to leave one at a restaurant when I was there with my brother –...
The sauna is like the golf course for business networking

The sauna is like the golf course for business networking

I used to run a business networking group for seven years and I know how important word of mouth advertising can be.  Even better is conversing and talking with possible clients in person.  One of our members of the group discussed how playing golf in a league has...
It’s been over ten years.  Fort Wayne computer repair

It’s been over ten years. Fort Wayne computer repair

I attended the first New Haven Chamber networking group in 2005 and got many clients from it.   One of the businesses I assisted in 2006 called me just last month for help with their computers again. That’s over ten years between computer service calls. So how...
New Haven Chamber Networking Group last day for 2022

New Haven Chamber Networking Group last day for 2022

The last meeting of 2022 for the New Haven(IN) Chamber Networking Group will be Tuesday December 13, 2022. This will give attendees more time to prepare for the Holidays and wrap up business needs for the year. Tammy(Chamber President) and I discussed this at...
Business networking today. Fort Wayne computer blog

Business networking today. Fort Wayne computer blog

The New Haven Chamber Networking Group has been meeting weekly for six years and five months to bring business people together in an informal environment.  We don’t restrict attendance based on business category like some groups do.  We don’t even require...

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