Should I turn off my desktop computer every night?

Should I turn off my desktop computer every night?

For over twenty years I’ve been asked this question by my clients.  For overnight, I usually shut it down if I’m doing nothing on it.  This week I have left my main desktop computer on overnight for several days because I didn’t want to lose the web...
Readers Choice Awards. Shane Grantham Consulting

Readers Choice Awards. Shane Grantham Consulting

A few months ago I got an email from Fort Wayne Newspapers. My company was nominated for a Readers Choice award in the category of Best Computer Repair Store. There was a total of eight companies in the category so I didn’t think I had a chance to win or get...
The gaming computer which didn’t like power supplies

The gaming computer which didn’t like power supplies

I have a relatively new gaming computer on my workbench which wouldn’t start up for the owner. When I was on-site, I tested the power supply and it failed the test. The owner said just take it with your and fix it. I ordered a new power supply and when it...
My computer freezes at the splash screen

My computer freezes at the splash screen

My main desktop computer was working fine earlier this week and I when came back to it the next day – it wouldn’t respond. The mouse was moved, the keyboard keys were tapped and the power button was even pressed briefly. Nothing woke it up so I forced a...

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