I went three days without using a computer

Last weekend I attended a family wedding several hours from my home. My brother drove our familys to the wedding and we stayed there for three days to visit. One of my business laptops was brought along in case I needed to remote in to a clients computer or some other...
Backup your user-generated files.

Backup your user-generated files.

We all know to do it and some of us never do it. It’s backing up or archiving the files we create.  Every once in a while I encounter a computer user who never backs up their files.  Maybe they don’t know how and thought they’d never lose a file or a...
The gaming computer which didn’t like power supplies

The gaming computer which didn’t like power supplies

I have a relatively new gaming computer on my workbench which wouldn’t start up for the owner. When I was on-site, I tested the power supply and it failed the test. The owner said just take it with your and fix it. I ordered a new power supply and when it...
Problems with my HP All-in-One PC.

Problems with my HP All-in-One PC.

Somewhere I acquired an HP Windows 10 All-in-One computer. It was either a refurb purchase or a dead one someone gave me. The computer worked for a few years and then something happened to it and it became unreliable by rebooting and freezing. I put it away and left...

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