Backup your user-generated files.

Backup your user-generated files.

We all know to do it and some of us never do it. It’s backing up or archiving the files we create.  Every once in a while I encounter a computer user who never backs up their files.  Maybe they don’t know how and thought they’d never lose a file or a...
The gaming computer which didn’t like power supplies

The gaming computer which didn’t like power supplies

I have a relatively new gaming computer on my workbench which wouldn’t start up for the owner. When I was on-site, I tested the power supply and it failed the test. The owner said just take it with your and fix it. I ordered a new power supply and when it...
Problems with my HP All-in-One PC.

Problems with my HP All-in-One PC.

Somewhere I acquired an HP Windows 10 All-in-One computer. It was either a refurb purchase or a dead one someone gave me. The computer worked for a few years and then something happened to it and it became unreliable by rebooting and freezing. I put it away and left...
Which is safer? Smartphones or Computers?

Which is safer? Smartphones or Computers?

While I was at the New Haven Chamber networking group last week, I gave some tips about computer safety.  One of the tips is to keep your main computer or device lean and mean by removing unused programs and apps.  I also suggest the latest patches and updates be...

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