I was reading an article. Shane Grantham Consulting

I was reading an article. Shane Grantham Consulting

I was reading one of Jack Wallen’s Linux articles on TechRepublic today and he discussed the rise of Linux malware. Linux is an operating system used in many business areas and one of them is the internet. I use Linux servers, desktops and laptops in my work and...
Five years between computer consultant visits

Five years between computer consultant visits

I have many clients that only call when they have an emergency or problem. It would be better for them if they had me visit regularly to check out their systems and backup data. One of my long-time business clients called me and explained they were infected. (The...

Is Linux a solution for Ransomware and malware?

There are a few choices for operating systems for PCs.  You have the Microsoft  Windows camp.  And then you have my favorite – Linux with its many distributions.   My claim is that to avoid malicious software like viruses and rootkits, Linux is the answer. ...
Protect your smartphone just like your computer.

Protect your smartphone just like your computer.

Smartphones can get malware infections similar to computers.  And just like computers, I suggest you install a security program on your smartphones, too.  There are several available for the Android platform and the one I use is Comodo Mobile Security. It’s easy...

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