Linux Subsystem on Windows 11

Linux Subsystem on Windows 11

One of the features of Microsoft Windows 11 I read about  last year was intriguing. It’s Linux running as a Virtual Machine (VM) called the Linux subsystem.  It can be installed from the Microsoft Store and I tried earlier this year without any success.  I love...
Operating System updates and Linux Mint

Operating System updates and Linux Mint

One of the security suggestions I always see from professionals is to keep your operating system (Microsoft Windows, Apple OS. Linux) up to date.  Desktop operating systems usually have an automatic system of doing this or alerting the user to updates.  One thing that...
The Linux GRUB loader.  Shane Grantham Consulting

The Linux GRUB loader. Shane Grantham Consulting

My favorite Operating System is Linux and the loading process is managed by the GRUB boot loader.  GRUB is not something you would find in the ground!  GRUB stands for Grand Unified Boot Loader. It allows the computer to boot one or more operating systems among other...

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