My MacBook Air laptop is slow

My MacBook Air laptop is slow

My newest laptop is an Apple MacBook Air which is light and fast. I got it this January and it has helped me learn Apple computers and get work done on the run. It was fast for several months and the last months it got slower and slower. Then one day it got so bad it...
My Apple iBook G4. Fort Wayne computer Repair blog

My Apple iBook G4. Fort Wayne computer Repair blog

I have an Apple iBook G4 laptop which is used for keeping current with Apple computers. I can do work on it like edit my web sites, email, and search the internet. Some of my computer clients have Apple computers and this is a good reason to stay in practice with...

Do you work with Apple devices?

I get asked every once in a while if I work with Apple devices like desktop computers, laptops, ipads and iphones and the answer is yes. Monday, I was helping a client with email and printing issues on their Apple desktop computer. They also needed advise on...

Macintosh computers need free hard drive space, too.

This week one of my service calls was to one of my all Apple Fort Wayne Computer Repair clients. They have a Mac desktop, and iPad, two iPods, and a Mac laptop. The first challenge was the Mac desktop computer’s mail program was stuck in a loop trying to send 2...

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