Saving pictures and videos on my smartphones to my server

Saving pictures and videos on my smartphones to my server

Throughout the day I use my smartphone and tablets quite a bit. The camera gets used often for recording computer client pictures and at Catalyst Fitness where I work.  I take pictures of my exercises and equipment that needs repaired,  My Android smartphone fills up...
I can’t get on the internet with my smartphone

I can’t get on the internet with my smartphone

This morning I was trying to get on a company’s web site to leave a message for them. My WiFi was off as usual on my smartphone so it was using the cell towers directly. I do this a lot for security whenever I’m in public like I am now at the gym. Nothing...
The drawbacks of a flip-phone. Fort Wayne Computer Repair

The drawbacks of a flip-phone. Fort Wayne Computer Repair

One of my clients has a business where they go to homes and businesses to perform their service. They have a desktop computer and a flip-phone but no smartphone. One of the companies he works with requires they now have a means to receive email while they are in the...

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