by Shane Grantham | Oct 31, 2024
Throughout the day I use my smartphone and tablets quite a bit. The camera gets used often for recording computer client pictures and at Catalyst Fitness where I work. I take pictures of my exercises and equipment that needs repaired, My Android smartphone fills up...
by Shane Grantham | Oct 29, 2023
My company doesn’t have a landline phone because I’m out and about much of the day and no would be able to answer it. I do have a smartphone and this is my main communications device. I can answer it as I’m at the gym or driving or at a...
by Shane Grantham | May 24, 2023
I was leaving the gym today when I heard someone calling my name. It was one of my computer clients who was also a Catalyst Fitness member. He was telling me how his son does almost all of his computer work on his smartphone and how I should also work on...
by Shane Grantham | Oct 19, 2022
This morning I was trying to get on a company’s web site to leave a message for them. My WiFi was off as usual on my smartphone so it was using the cell towers directly. I do this a lot for security whenever I’m in public like I am now at the gym. Nothing...
by Shane Grantham | Oct 4, 2022
One of my clients has a business where they go to homes and businesses to perform their service. They have a desktop computer and a flip-phone but no smartphone. One of the companies he works with requires they now have a means to receive email while they are in the...
by Shane Grantham | Jul 4, 2022
It’s surprising that my Galaxy S9 smartphone is four this month. Luckily, it’s still running well and allows me to communicate with clients and family. My fear is that the charging port will eventually fail and will require replacement. It’s been...