My computer is talking to me. Fort Wayne computer repair

My computer is talking to me. Fort Wayne computer repair

I got a call from a Fort Wayne computer repair client today about their fairly new Windows 10 computer.  the PC was talking to them about an infection in their computer and not to turn it off. This had happened in the past and I asked them what they were doing before...

Worst malware infection ever

Last month I encountered the most infected Windows computer I have ever experienced. When I started the project I had no idea how much work I was going to put in on it.  Early on in the project, I found it had anti-malware software that had expired and didn’t...
An Apple Mac with viruses. Fort Wayne Computer Repair.

An Apple Mac with viruses. Fort Wayne Computer Repair.

My computer repair business work is interesting since I work on many different operating systems and computers.  Some of the operating systems I service are Microsoft windows , Linux and Apple OS.  This month I got to work on an Apple Desktop computer which was...

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