Microsoft Windows 11 updates are better than Windows 10

Microsoft Windows 11 updates are better than Windows 10

Many years ago I recall using my Windows 10 laptop on a service call when suddenly it restarted with a Windows 10 update.  I don’t think it gave me an option to delay it or stop it.  When everything was done updating, my bookkeeping program was corrupt and...
Windows 10’s import pictures feature

Windows 10’s import pictures feature

Last week I wanted to charge my phone through a USB cable on my Windows 10 desktop All-in-one PC. As soon as I connected the USB cable to my PC, a screen popped up with a message. It wanted to know if I wanted to import the pictures it found. I forgot about this...
Where did they go? Fort Wayne Computer Consulting

Where did they go? Fort Wayne Computer Consulting

Not long ago a brand new computer client contacted me about a catastrophe with their Google business drive.  A little background on Google Drive: It’s a cloud storage service where you can place files and folders somewhere on the internet cloud.  Then you can...

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