What happened to the wireless printer?

Not too long ago, I had a return service call to a Fort Wayne business client where I configured a wireless printer for a home office. Two weeks later, it stopped working and I returned to start the troubleshooting.  Using their Windows 10 computer, I checked the...

I can’t print any more

I was on a Fort Wayne Computer repair service call this month where my client couldn’t print from their Windows 7 computer to a wireless HP inkjet printer. To remedy their dilemma, they turned off the printer briefly and back on, but nothing printed. I checked...

The case of the disappearing wireless printer!

Wireless printers are a great convenience for homes and businesses and they can be tricky to configure especially when it comes to attaching to your wireless network.  More than a couple of clients have asked me to setup their wireless printers after they gave up. I...

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