Contacting Technical Support may actually have paid off

Contacting Technical Support may actually have paid off

A new client has a All-in-One PC which suddenly died on them last week. I picked it up and brought to my office to diagnose.  It didn’t show any signs of life after I disconnected everything possible like the Solid-state drive and RAM. The external Power...
Contacting tech support was pleasant for a change

Contacting tech support was pleasant for a change

A computer client this week was concerned about their aging computer which runs their main program. We decided to get a newer computer to replace it. I needed to know how to install their main program and how to get the data from the old one to the new one. My...
I knew it was THEIR problem. Fort Wayne Computer Repair

I knew it was THEIR problem. Fort Wayne Computer Repair

One of my Fort Wayne computer clients was notified last September about changes in the way they submit reports to the government. The government created a new web site and my client was to start using it by 2020 instead of the site they used at the time.  My client...
Contacting Technical Support

Contacting Technical Support

I can remember calling technical support in the 1990’s for various computer issues when I was a System Engineer at Needhams Business Machines.  The people I talked to were easy to understand because they were in the USA and it was a pleasure speaking with them...
Sometimes we need to call technical support

Sometimes we need to call technical support

A phone call was received last week from one of my business clients who was having a software problem.  Their main business program was displaying a Java message when it was supposed to display a completed message. It was used to edit and send a bundle of photos to...

Nightmare service call for an email setup

This week one of my old-time clients called for help when they changed internet providers. They could could connect and browse the internet, but they couldn’t figure out how to access their new email account. The problem started when they were gone when the new...

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