Don’t lose your bookmarks or favorites

Don’t lose your bookmarks or favorites

I set up a lot of new computers for business and personal clients. One of the many tasks I perform is installing and configuring web browsers. Part of configuration is importing bookmarks from your previous browser on the old computer into the new computer’s...
There is a Tor browser for the Android platform

There is a Tor browser for the Android platform

I try and use the Tor privacy web browser whenever possible on my Linux, Microsoft Windows and Apple computers. Tor prevents censorship, surveillance and tracking on the internet. It keeps your web browsing private from your Internet Service Provider who logs...
How Brave are you? Fort Wayne Computer Repair

How Brave are you? Fort Wayne Computer Repair

I was listening to an internet tech show just now and a columnist was discussing five internet browsers better than Chrome (Windows) or Chromium (Linux). They mentioned Edge(Microsoft), Firefox(Mozilla) and a new one.It’s called Brave and can be found at their...
My computer is talking to me. Fort Wayne computer repair

My computer is talking to me. Fort Wayne computer repair

I got a call from a Fort Wayne computer repair client today about their fairly new Windows 10 computer.  the PC was talking to them about an infection in their computer and not to turn it off. This had happened in the past and I asked them what they were doing before...

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