Car advertising. Fort Wayne Computer repair

When I’m driving my car, sometimes I forget there is advertising on both sides of it letting people know I repair computers.  It’s a very simple design, permanently affixed to it. One of my clients who had a sign company installed it around 2007 for around...

Why don’t you want your name on your business card?

It’s hard to know the exact number, but I have probably seen over a thousand business cards in my business lifetime.  I like looking at business cards of my clients and networkers to see the different designs, arrangements and fonts. Every so often I encounter a...

Don’t share this at a business network meeting

After eleven years of weekly networking, I have heard many commercials from fellow business networkers. One topic we networkers need to avoid in our commercials is personal problems or struggles. Telling the networking group about your medical issues, vehicle or...

My smartphone is one of my advertising tools

Being a one-person business can pull you in many directions as some of you know.  The smartphone is my mobile office and makes it easy to be anywhere and communicate with anyone. Phone calls, texts, emails and messages from social media sites all come in to my...

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