An Apple Mac with viruses. Fort Wayne Computer Repair.

An Apple Mac with viruses. Fort Wayne Computer Repair.

My computer repair business work is interesting since I work on many different operating systems and computers.  Some of the operating systems I service are Microsoft windows , Linux and Apple OS.  This month I got to work on an Apple Desktop computer which was...

Transferring an iPhone video to my YouTube channel

Many networkers have told me that video is the best way to reach people on social media and so I started posting videos around 2009 for my Fort Wayne computer repair business. For some reason I stopped doing computer ones. but I still do personal ones. My wife took a...

Trying to get an Apple iBook on the WiFi network

My old Apple iBook laptop was having a problem on Wi-Fi networks last spring. It just wouldn’t connect to any of them. When I first got the laptop, it worked fine connecting to Wi-Fi networks. I didn’t know what had happened- was it hardware or the...

Are you keeping your Apple computers up to date?

I was working with my Apple desktop computer today and wondered if it had any updates available. The manufacturers of operating systems release updates to the public so they can keep their computers secure and free from problems. Microsoft and Linux do the same thing....

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