My client screwed up their display adapter

Someone texted me tonight that they screwed up their Windows 7 laptop when they were doing some housecleaning on it.  They removed the display adapter driver somehow and now their Windows 7 desktop icons were huge. It needed changed back so the computer could be used...

Windows 7 and 10 update problems

Over the past year, I’ve experienced a handful of Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 7 computers which refuse to install operating system updates.  Sometimes, I can repair the problems and other times I can’t. One of my business clients has a Windows 7...

It looks like a different version of Windows

I’ve been working with a problem computer which won’t install Windows updates. Many things have been done which has made the computer faster and efficient, but it still won’t install updates.  I got a phone call from my client who said something was...

I can’t print my Quickbooks report from my laptop

This week a Fort Wayne computer repair client was having a problem printing out an accounting report in Quickbooks on their Windows 7 laptop computer. After arriving, I started my interview with my client to see if the computer ever printed to the printer. It never...

Who’s connected to my computer and network?

One of my business computer repair clients had an interesting security question for me last week. They were looking at their Microsoft Windows laptop’s taskbar which is at the bottom of the desktop. Near the right side is a wireless icon and they had opened it. ...

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