Linux is great – I’m keeping this computer for me!

Linux is great – I’m keeping this computer for me!

One of my new computer clients was working on their Windows computer this summer. It started to give them grief and they decided to wipe it clean and re-install the operating system. Well, something went wrong with their procedure and their computer was stuck in some...

Why can’t I connect? Fort Wayne Computer Repair

I was helping a computer repair client of mine with a client of theirs recently. My client was attempting to access their client’s Microsoft Windows computer via a remote control service on their own Windows 7 computer.  They tried for  hours one day and never...

Why is my computer slow? Fort Wayne Computer Repair

One of the questions I get asked often is, “Why is my computer slow?” One of my popular computer repair services is speeding up slow Microsoft Windows computers.  Many things can slow down a Windows computer and one of them can be easily overlooked: a full...

My files have changed! Fort Wayne Computer Repair

I was at a computer repair client today and one of the things they said was, “My files have changed.” It was a Windows 7 desktop computer.  When I first arrived, I didn’t understand their problem. We sat down together at the computer and I listened...

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