Trying to get an Apple iBook on the WiFi network

My old Apple iBook laptop was having a problem on Wi-Fi networks last spring. It just wouldn’t connect to any of them. When I first got the laptop, it worked fine connecting to Wi-Fi networks. I didn’t know what had happened- was it hardware or the...

Can’t connect a laptop to a wireless router

I was at an office this week where a Windows laptop was experiencing problems connecting to my client’s wireless router. There were no other wireless devices in the office. The other computers were wired with ethernet cables to the router and they were...

Getting an e-book from the Library installed on a Kindle

Tuesday before our networking group, I was assisting New Haven Chamber’s Monika with her Kindle reader. It seems she was having problems downloading an e-book to it, although she had done it in the past. We started with her Windows laptop because this will be...

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