Why can’t my Microsoft Windows 10 laptops do this?

Why can’t my Microsoft Windows 10 laptops do this?

I have a number of laptops for business and pleasure including Apples, Linux and Microsoft Windows.  Using different operating systems keeps me agile when it comes to service calls with any computer. One thing that I noticed with the Apple computers is they support...
Make it easy to get paid. Fort Wayne Computer Repair.

Make it easy to get paid. Fort Wayne Computer Repair.

When I first started my computer company in 2003 I just accepted cash and checks as payment. Around 2008 a client who was also a networker asked if I took credit cards as payment. He introduced me to a mobile smartphone app that takes any credit card on the spot and I...

FaceBook doesn’t like them. Shane Grantham Consulting

I have a computer client which misses their Facebook account which stopped working some time last year.  I’ve been on-site at their location three times so far trying to fix this mess.  It seemed to have started when their spouse died last year.  The details are...
After seven years it came to an end.

After seven years it came to an end.

Tuesdays will be different for me after March 28, 2023.  This is the day I closed the New Haven Chamber networking group.  Since April 2016, we met almost every week at three different locations in the New Haven, IN area.  We were an open business networking group...

My laptop screen is blank.

This weekend a new person called me with a laptop problem.  His fairly new laptop stopped working and he wanted me to find out what happened.  He dropped it off on Saturday and Monday morning bright and early I was working on it.  I tried my different techniques...
They could have called a closer computer company

They could have called a closer computer company

Saturday I got a phone call from an Ohio number. It was a new computer repair client who found me on the internet. They had a Windows 10 All-in-One PC which was having windows problems. They wanted a service call to diagnose the computer. I found out they are in...

What are you searching with? Fort Wayne computer repair

To stay up on computing issues I read technical articles and saw one about new search engine web sites this week. The main search engines I use are Startpage.com and Duckduckgo.com. These two are privacy-based search engines which use google and bing on your behalf....

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