Apple MacBook screen desktops

Apple MacBook screen desktops

I’ve been spending time last week at my own Apple OS X training event. I got two library books on Apple computers and read some of them. Using my MacBook Air laptop, I discovered how to access Apple desktops. This is where you can have more than one workspace on...
I’m getting sick of hearing about AI

I’m getting sick of hearing about AI

I stay up on my industry the best I can with reading articles and listening to podcasts.  My favorite type of articles deal with the nuts and bolts of computer repair and related issues. I don’t care about predictions, personnel or things which are forced on...
“I’m getting a message about Windows Mail”

“I’m getting a message about Windows Mail”

A regular computer client contacted me about a message they got in their Windows Mail recently.  I assumed they meant an email message since we all get bogus messages constantly.  Once I called them and then connected remotely, I discovered that it came from within...
Chromebook keyboard

Chromebook keyboard

One of my service calls last month was  looking at a Chromebase All-in-one computer.  It was exhibiting a system error message which never left the screen.  Several things were tried which never worked. The system error message mentioned pressing the reset key on the...
Call me – I make service calls

Call me – I make service calls

Not long ago a client called me around 7pm on a weeknight. I was on-site the next morning prepared to help them with a printer problem. Both of their printers were failing to print for their business computer.  It took me around 45 minutes to get both printers...
Chromebase with a startup problem

Chromebase with a startup problem

A new client needed help with their Chromebase All-in-one computer.  It was displaying a “Something went wrong” message upon start-up. There wasn’t much internet information available on troubleshooting.  One option was to do a reset using the chrome...
Contacting Technical Support may actually have paid off

Contacting Technical Support may actually have paid off

A new client has a All-in-One PC which suddenly died on them last week. I picked it up and brought to my office to diagnose.  It didn’t show any signs of life after I disconnected everything possible like the Solid-state drive and RAM. The external Power...
Why did my computer die?

Why did my computer die?

A client called me this week when there 1 year-old All-in-one computer died last week. It was working fine one day and then the next – nothing. The screen was blank and no internal noise when they mentioned a week before the speakers were starting to make a...
Business cards.  Shane Grantham Consulting

Business cards. Shane Grantham Consulting

A client picked up their laptop from me today along with an external data drive where I recovered their data. They handed me their business card when I wanted their email address.  Earlier they said they had a Facebook page and a web site.  The web site and Facebook...

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